Course Selection Guide

Dear students,

We wish you health and success throughout the 2021-2022 Academic Year.

The courses you have to take are opened in the Genius system and available for selection. Considering the “Course Selection Guide”, you should choose the compulsory and elective courses determined for your classes in the Genius system and wait for your advisor’s approval. After your advisor approves, you must also register for the course at UZEBİM. Regardless of whether the courses will be held face-to-face or online, all courses will be opened in UZEBİM, and course material will be shared and announcements will be made through UZEBİM.

Make your course registrations in Genius and UZEBİM until Friday, September 17, and make sure that it is approved by your advisor.

We wish you luck.

Click here to find out the course selection guide: Course Selection Guide